While mergers in the biotech industry are quite common, they are always exciting for investors to consider. The combined company is expected to have about 50 million in cash and cash equivalents at closing. You cannot change the draw order based on camera angle. The merger should advance both Advaxis’ pipeline and Biosight’s leading product as well.The smoothing groups should be used for that as well, when present. So they need to be calculated after import. The 3ds format doesnt store normals by design. The material option for vertical normals is kept while merging. You cannot dynamically change the draw order at runtime – you must pick which object is drawn first. I dont really understand why these normals would be a problem if you merge or orient the object.You can force one object to always be drawn before another by putting it in a lower layer group (using ATTR_layer_group).Layer groups are always drawn in order, but within a layer group the draw order is unpredictable. Layer Groups and Draw Order Between OBJsĪll art assets in X-Plane belong to a layer group. X-Plane 10 Only: the order of additive LODs is not guaranteed X-Plane may draw the LODs in any order. LR’s modified blender exporter for v10 (to be staged with v10 – contact LR if you want to merge the changes into another distro) sorts triangles back to front and front to back to help make translucent surfaces work.In the next development release you will find a reader and writer for the AC3D format. It is commonly used by FlightGear for aircraft and scenery models. The Blender exporter will sort your model, but will keep groups separated, and will put mesh triangles marked “alpha” last. I have added support for a new format to ModelConverterX today, this new format is the AC3D format. Quickly transfer / copy a UV Map to another object.More Information: Blender Docs.The ac3d exporter will export models in the order shown in the hierarchy view. Even a brief look at the interface gives you a sense for the size and power of this formidable 3D graphics application.Therefore you can control draw order using your 3-d modeling tool. Draw order within an X-Plane object is deterministic – X-Plane always draws objects in the order of their command structure. When you want to IMPORT edited model back to ACF file, do following: Step 1: acftools -merge -ac3dfilebody.ac -txtfile 747.txt Step 2: acftools -generate -txtfile 747.txt -acffile 747.acf Sometimes resulting file is weirdly broken, this is because my merging algorithm is poor :( To avoid that use '-noorder' parameter: acftools -merge -ac3dfilebody.ac -txtfile 747.txt -noorder Unfortunately ACFTools stills very ugly and difficult to use piece of software.